Brand building is as much about your story as it is about presentation. Your story should connect and resonate with your constituents, and Image 4’s team of photographers and writers will interview, research, create and weave together the storyline that presents Your Authentic Brand®.
Every Brand has a story. How you tease that out and present it is integrated in your Brand Persona.
Image 4’s creative writers and editors will build a storyline for whatever communication platform is being used, from social media, and digital interactive to a physical building or campus. And just like “in the movies”, we plot the storyline with visuals – moving the reader and viewer from where they are now, to where you want them to be when they engage with your Brand.
Brand Presentation Strategy
Where do we tell your story? To Whom? For how long? With what media?
Presentation strategy is part of the magic of Brand building – it’s the plan to immerse constituents in your Brand, creating the feelings and memories you want. Once the Storyline is roughed, Image 4 designers work with your team to select artifacts, create or source appropriate images and other assets, determine how sound, video and materials will be woven together into your Brand presentation.
Content Creation
Most Brands know their story – it lives in the minds of staff and customers. Think of those defining moments when a product was invented, software was launched, a team member excelled at serving a customer.
But few have written down the meaningful moments of the Brand. Image 4 writers and editors can interview staff and customers, research media, social, historical collections, and write content that presents your particular perspective.
From social media posts to LinkedIn pages to building an entire script, excellent content delivers Your Authentic Brand® presentation.
We all want to “see” as we “experience”. Imagery is an integral part of Brand building and presentation. Image 4’s own photography staff is ready to capture event, product and technical images – still or video – and edit or improve existing image assets to make your story come alive in the minds’ eye. From social postings to brochures to wall murals, our team has the artistic and technical expertise to deliver compelling visuals.