Happy Birthday to Us!

By Jeff Baker, posted on January 19, 2022

Jeff Baker, CEO Image 4, Chair, Future Branches

35 years ago this morning, I filed our Articles of Incorporation with the New Hampshire Secretary of State. At all of 26 years old…well, if I knew then what I know now, I may never have done it!

Even as one of the larger custom exhibit design and architectural design firms in New England, we’re still a small business. And as we all have learned through the pandemic, small business is challenging. Yet the majority of my peers are either small business owners or are employed by small businesses – and I don’t mean 200 persons, I mean 5, 20, 40 persons. These small businesses are the backbones of our communities, the hearts of our society, the foundation of our shared culture – nowhere more than in small business do you see thee vocation of the Puritan ethic, that “work hard, learn, make good, get ahead” approach that builds businesses and communities.

Image 4 has been graced with over 120 employees in 35 years, as we grew from our start-up team of 3, to our multi-location headcount of 40, and now rest at 19. We’re blessed that several of our staff have been with us over 20 years – that says a great deal about the culture and business we strive to create every day. There’s no way we could have prospered without these talented, caring and generous staff members.

The past 35 years has been an amazing run. Difficult, stressful at times, challenging always, fun, fulfilling and mostly profitable as well. Our management, staff and vendor partners have allowed us to build an organization that encourages creative and accomplished craftspeople to thrive and to truly bring our clients’ dreams to life. What a wonderful thing to have accomplished. There is power and fulfillment in arising each morning in order to create and fulfill our clients’ vision of their business.

All of us look forward to the experience over the next 35 years of serving our clients, communities and one another. Because, as is Image 4’s motto, “It’s About The Experience®”.

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