With the turning of the leaves here in the Northeast comes the refocusing of marketing efforts, with the realization by our clients that plans need to be in place for the next year or two.
As such, we’re fielding a lot of requests for bids and budgets across our service lines. From financial services to exhibits, from event marketing to corporate environments, it appears that our client base is healthy and accelerating full-throttle into next season.
Image 4 is finishing up our own marketing season with our speaking and sponsorship roles in both the New England Financial Marketing Association Conference, October 28-29 in Portland, NH and Future Branches West in Austin, TX on November 18-20. Like many industries, the financial service industry is undergoing change and working to become what we as customers will value not just today, but tomorrow and into the future. Image 4 is excited to participate in guiding that change for our clients and the industry.
The common thread between each of the industry sectors we specialize in is that more and more of our clients are discussing, planning for, and measuring Customer Experience (CX). From the C-suite to the sales staff, there’s a realization that, although technology is a facilitator and an accelerator, even customized AI capacity does not replace the genuine care, empathy, and personal interaction involved in a face-to-face interchange.
By optimizing the Customer Experience in all channels, your Brand and Company can thoughtfully deliver just the right experience and service at just the right time. Image 4 focuses on optimizing the Built Environment – trade show exhibits, retail spaces, banks and corporate environments – much of our work involves understanding and translating the Customer Experience our clients deliver in the virtual environment to the real world.
As you refine plans and assign budget to your future business development efforts, keep in mind your customer’s ideal experience of your Brand – no matter what channel. CX will be the generator of Brand loyalty and Brand advocacy in the future: get ready today.
Because, It’s About the Experience®.
Category: Events/Exhibits, Financial Services, Retail, Workplace